The Unluckiest Woman in the Galaxy


PO: What do you mean, "it gets complicated?" After a drunken argument with your ex-girlfriend Ambyr, did you or did you not do something to her?

SUSPECT: I thought I wasn't a suspect? And I didn't do whatever it is you think I did. I love her.

PO: Did the tornado touch down? Did it injure her?

SUSPECT: I'm trying to explain. The thing you need to know is that Ambyr wasn't exactly what you'd call a lucky girl.

PO: Girl? According to our records she was born in 1979.

SUSPECT: Woman, whatever. She's hot though. So before that day-

PO: The 10th of May.

SUSPECT: Yeah, then before then, Ambyr had never flown anywhere. She couldn't fly. Didn't have the luck for it. She wasn't so bad off until she turned 18 or so. She got good grades, got a scholarship to a good out of state college, everything. Right before she heads off to school, BAM, her mom has a heart attack. Ambyr puts off her education until her mom gets better. The next year, on the exact same date, she gets in her car to head to the university, and BAM, finds out that her dad has stage three cancer. So for the next twelve years she works at the gas station that lets her get plenty of time off and takes care of her folks. After they died she tried to go live with her sister, start over. At this point she's sold her car and has almost run out of money. She tries to take the rental car to the airport and a freaking meteor falls out of the sky, blasts a bridge, and Ambyr misses her plane. All of the airports shut down for a while. So she takes the rental car and drives miles out of the way to clear that meteor mess. She needs to get out of Mississippi, you see. She feels it in her bones. Thinks that's the source of her problems. So she tries to make it to her sister in California, but runs out of gas and money right here in Pomaw. 
That's where she hit a bit of luck. A little while later, she met me. 

PO: What does that have to do with your account of events?

SUSPECT: That's obviously why she got taken.

PO: Taken?

SUSPECT: Yeah, by the aliens. The Pumkin-skulls. So she ran out, into the middle of the road, chasing after these lights and this pointy killer hanging over Bomaw. She stands right underneath it looking up with that shotgun still in her hand. Her arms are up in the air like she's waiting for Jesus to come and save her. The upside down pyramid starts to drop down slowly, then faster, and faster and by the looks of it she is right exactly underneath it, but she's stuck there, or brainwashed or something. So I start running in this rain. I almost slip, but I make it and jump on her back and we roll out of the way. Only, I got it wrong. She was actually a few yards over from where the point was coming, and I roll us right underneath it as it hits the ground. 
I thought that it would stab us, kill us, but it sort of absorbed us. Like whenever a cell grabs cell food right out of your blood. Like that.

PO: So this is what happened to you yesterday?

SUSPECT: Yesterday? No way. No man, that was at least three weeks ago. Check out my beard. I was clean shaven on the 10th. I went to work that morning. I've got to be on video there. 

[noted: the video taken from the suspect's place of word does corroborate the fact that the day before this interview the suspect was relatively clean shaven. The day of the interview the suspect has a full beard indicating about a month of hair growth.]

This is the second addition to a serialized story that will be updated every weekday. 

Alex Perry has lived in the jewel of the Arklatex (Texarkana), Germany, Waco, Houston, and has recently moved to Arkansas. She taught 6th grade ELA and is now starting a blog where she sometimes talks in the third person. She's supposed to create a "platform" to help get an agent for her science-fiction/humor/mystery manuscript. She clearly knows nothing about blogging so any helpful comments would be appreciated. You can go to her "professional" facebook page and read the first five pages of her first and second novels.


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